Friday 23 January 2009

First Blog

 This is my first ever blog
 I have been thinking and making spider diagrams to explore this idea and it always comes down to the same thing: my family and freinds. My family and freinds are what round me, and have made me the way I am, however, I don't want the project to be based on one idea of family.

  My parents are my world - and I do want to show this, I want to portray my two seperate lies ( or how I feel it is), my life in Nottingham and my life in Essex.

 In Essex i have an easy life- my mum cooks for me, cleans, i have no money troubles and i have my two best freinds. Then, in Nottingham i have to manage my money, cook, clean for myself and have had to made a new set of freinds. 

 I would perhaps like to try and create a series of photographs that look at both worlds...

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