I saw my mother at the weekend, so, I began once again to photograph just her.
I felt it was more succesful this time, she still seemed nervous around the camera. I captured a series of interesting images of her. I think they repersent her well, and her characteristics.
I decided to photograph just her instead both my parents because i felt it was more personal, also I could concentrate on bringing her character through to the photograph if she was alone.
I was much more pleased with the outcome of these photographs, the photograph's seem deeper and more reflective of the model.
I think you are on to a good thing here, shame it's right at the end of the assignment because you could have developed this idea further. This is your world and the people who are closest to you influence you more than you realise. Maybe it's because of your mum that you have chosen photography as your career path? I don't know, but it would be good to elaborate on why you feel drawn to take these portraits of your mum. Good work sophie x